I’m a writer, photographer, and board-certified pediatrician. A native New Yorker, I now live in Leelanau County in Northern Michigan with my husband and our four daughters on our hobby farm. We have dogs, cats, chickens, and goats.

I like to ask hard questions about the ways in which social and cultural factors influence our decisions in medicine and health. I think words matter, and that stories can shape the way we live our lives and treat others.

I received my undergraduate degree from Columbia University, and prior to matriculating at the University of Michigan Medical School I was a Fulbright Scholar in Stockholm, Sweden. I believe strongly in the Nordic Model, and I like lingonberries a lot, too. I have additional training in pediatric bioethics, I’ve published widely in both academic publications and lay media, and Timothy Donnelly is my favorite poet. I was previously a clinical assistant professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan, and opened my own small practice, Stowe Farm Pediatrics, in 2023.